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Albert Odulele, UK based Nigerian Pastor.
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my god, a post that was made 8 months ago was replied by pathetic racist who got nothing better to do in his pathetic life but to scroll through old
A selection of international LGBT news: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender rights, same-sex marriage, equality, support, health, travel, entertainment, art
Famous TV Evangelists: The Hall of Shame:
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Gay HomophobeFamous TV Evangelists: The Hall of Shame:
# days since the last prominent homophobe was caught in a gay sex scandal:
Famous TV Evangelists: The Hall of Shame:
This is a list of scandals related to American evangelical Christians. (Roman Catholic clergy and high-profile leaders from New Religious Movements are not within the
A fun little video, if you can call it that, of many of the anti-gay pastors and politicians who ended up gay.
20.04.2011 · A number of incidents involving California-based televangelist Morris Cerullo caused The scandal was widely reported online and in UK newspapers.
List of scandals involving American.